Support Us


There are opportunities for volunteerism of all sorts at the club. Becoming a volunteer is proven to be a wonderful way to help improve wellbeing. The club is always looking for members of the community who are able to give a few hours here and there with various tasks around the club. Even if the beach isn’t your thing, we have events, club rooms, training sessions, even gardens that all require people behind them in some capacity – so if you think you’d like to be involved but aren’t quite sure how, reach out and say hello!


There are many ways that individuals, businesses or organisations can support Trigg Island Surf Lifesaving Club. We have various levels of sponsorships available and are always open to discuss new ideas, specific projects or fresh opportunities to engage with local business and people. If you would like to discuss ways to support Trigg Island SLSC click here to get in touch. 


Did you know we are a charitable not for profit club? That means you can fundraise for us or make a donation to us and it is fully tax deductible.

Trigg Island Surf Life Saving Club acknowledges the traditional owners, the Whadjuk People of the Noongar Nation, of the beach on which we work and play. We pay our respect to their elders past and present and are grateful for their continuing connection to the land, sea and sky.