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Another Season Completed for Our Woodside Nippers

While our Seniors were competing on the weekend, our Nippers celebrated their last day by having the annual colour run. 
Before the colourful madness began, our Nippers took advantage of the glorious weather, swimming and taking part in their usual water activities. 
The beach was alive with colour and laughter, as the U6s to U13s sprinted around a marked-out track, dotted with volunteers spraying bright, colourful powder.
To finish the morning, the crew from Masters Milk WA, paid a visit with the Masters Milk cows, handing out various flavours of milk to all the Nippers. This opportunity came from a local giveaway, where our @GirlsofTrigg Instagram group nominated the club to be recognised. To them, we say a very big thank you. 

We wish all our Woodside Nippers a safe and happy off-season, and we look forward to seeing them on our beach for the Woodside Nipper program next season, starting later this year! 

Trigg Island Surf Life Saving Club acknowledges the traditional owners, the Whadjuk People of the Noongar Nation, of the beach on which we work and play. We pay our respect to their elders past and present and are grateful for their continuing connection to the land, sea and sky.